
Is it permissible for men to wear red clothing?

Answer: It is Makrooh Tanzeehi (disliked) for men to wear plain red garments. This would include a red Kurta, T-shirt,  soccer T-shirt or red tracksuit pants etc.  

Added to that,  if a garment has been dyed with safflower (red colour) or saffron (yellow/orange colour), then it will not be permissible for a male to wear it. This prohibition is with regards to dying with safflower and saffron. 

Furthermore, with regards to wearing red head gear like a Topi, Turban or cap or footgear, like socks, sandals, takkies or soccer boots - there is no problem with that. Similarly, if the garment is not plain red and has patterns of other colours as well, then wearing it is also permissible.  

Read more at https://www.askimam.org/public/question_detail/19125

  إمداد الأحكام، ج 4، ص 362، مكتبه دار العلوم كراتشي

And Almighty Allah Knows Best 

Yusuf Moosagie 

11th August 2022